Saturday, June 7, 2008

Week in review

The first week of my job has started.

i have got no table, chair, software and even computer.
bad in a sense, i had to sit in temporary table with my colleague.
great in a sense i can require to buy all the things i need with company money of course.

this aside, what makes me unmotivated is looking at in numbers, guys......
i have been navigated too long from it and now i get nausea thinking of it.

the people there are nice, especially Jamie, my so call trainer la...she is a technical designer who has been working in the glass field for 10 years so her expertise is not questionable...

so yau yeng doing all the maths without need to think much.
but looking at her is one thing, understanding her teachings is one thing...

she keep explaining to us what is what and i keep getting the yawning sickness...
maybe the lunch was too heavy....

i pity her la...she is so nice.....

ok, now guys, today's class is about ADD MATHS! ARENT YOU GUYS EXCITED?
blerh....dx dy

can someone strangle me please?
i think i should look for a new job.
this is really tough for a person like me la....

the topic of the job now really wandered too far from my ideal.
yes, i know theres no such things as ideal....but at least gimme something i know how to do alright?

this is way too haywired. what has happened to me? look, i have to travel 2 hours in the jam to and fro to work only to realised that i dont like it....eww...can u imagine that?

and its not like the salary is coming any sooner.

sigh...i need a ballet pumps....or i'll have all the muscles i dont need in my calves.

it has been quite a boring and tired week though...too much confusion, mood swings like nobody's business....and right up till now, i am still doing the catalog thingy for my couzie...

but somehow i feel fortunate that....oh....luckily i still got some design thingy to get my hands on.

but i will be finishing it by today already....

ah......get me work,.....
designer work....i want to work in magazine la......

this is bad.....i dont like this...

hey friends, got any design job to recommend? i might want to change job...

go for some entertainment...meeting up with college friends like chrystal, ashlei jt and etc....
went to watch kung fu hung mao with hilarious....and its in cantonese....
quote Shifu : ngo tei hai mai leung ko dou heung jor...?
(did we both die? )

worth the money and time watching...its a good i can breathe for a while

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