Tuesday, August 5, 2008

the F.A.I.T.S. disease

Recently, i realised that i have this FAITS (shortform) disease since i work.

I dont know if other people suffer from the same disease, but it seems that I have it quite seriously.

FAITS (forgets about important things syndrome) is getting on me.

In 2 months time, i forgot to bring my cellphone for around 5 times.
I forgot to lock my car (especially Mayvi) for 3-4 times since i drove it.

Today, I forgot my wallet which gets locked inside the office compound with my parking ticket inside. End up, i need to call my colleague to call another colleague to call my boss who has the key to turn back to office while he's on his way home to unlock the door for me so i can get my wallet to retrieve my car.

Shameful to say, i know.

I need to be reminded to a lot of things these days.
I forgot that i have an appointment and make another appointment at the same time.
I forgot what i just ate an hour ago.
I forgot I am a male or female sometimes.

Sometimes, i just get out of my car with slipper and walk to the office, halfway through it feels weird and i went back to my car again to look for my shoes.


Eve said...

yaaay~ I forgot my wallet today! this is like the 7th time this semester xD

Yenny said...

OH...this disease actually exists? I thought I'm the only 1 having it...

um... I think it's a Occupational Hazard.