Saturday, April 24, 2010

Some say looks like spices jar for deco

Competition shoes. The picture is so artsy
But very well taken, considering the bad lighting in the room.
Picture courtesy Mr. Choo.
Result is not out yet though...

Went to bowling yesterday with Ashlei and her friends. I'm like having bowling crash course with 4 games in a row. Thank you Ashlei for inviting...

Next time I'll bring you go paintball, k? haha


ashe said...

haha..welcome may!! reserved a spice jar for me lah..hahaha...size 7/

paintball?? can! no prob!..hehe

Unknown said...

Dont worry you can do it! I am 25 in two years too so I know how you feel. I will be graduating college here in the next few months and I am hoping I will have the same mentality as you!

Unknown said...

Med igår Gick till bowling Ashley och hennes vänner. Jag är som bowling ha snabbkurs med 4 matcher i rad. Tack för inbjudan Ashlei dig ...