Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Maybe i should just try being a singer...

isnt it?

its too hard to decide for a designer or advertiser...

for has layout design and packaging design...which one?
this is enough generate brain tumor....

cool down? or take it easy?
i wish i could....why am i so uptight....

maybe i should start taking life no so seriously...
like maybe i shouldn't be so agitated towards someone attitude....
maybe i shouldnt got so worked up when adobe didnt send me any mails....
maybe i shouldnt be so uptight that i start to hate myself for being indecisive....

maybe i should just BE A SINGER AND ROCKED THE WORLD...

like this.....


Unknown said...

Why not? I'd like to point at the TV and say "Hey! She's my friend!" xD

Drizzles said...

too much of a dream...
i'll save it to when i sleep later

Chrystal Giam said...

Don't care, you must SO join the next Astro Talent Quest. You don't apply yourself, I will apply for you myself.. LOL

since you're twenty one onwards and you've been living life leaning towards the 'being practical' side... It's time to say 'dreams are possible'

Ditto to what Eve said as well... Haha

ashe said...

Go may!! I'll be your back up!!

But i support u in contributing to the society with your wonderful voice...hehe